This is a similar projects to the weaving done on looms except this time it is woven bracelets created using drinking straws! The first step is to tape some drinking straws together. I usually cut them to about 15cm - this is enough for a bracelet. to begin the weave, tie the first piece of wool to the straw and start weaving. Make sure the children know how to tie secure knots when attaching the next piece of wool to the last and so on. Keep weaving and pulling the weave nice and tight until you reach the top and tie off on the last straw. The next stage is tricky but requires a long piece of wool to be pushed through each straw (i use a thin stick to help) and then remove the straw ensuring the wool does not come out with it. Once all the straw have been removed, tie the wool that you put through into secure knots (tie every 2 pieces together), compacting the weave together as you do so. I then purchased some small plastic clips to tie on and you have a cool wool bracelet!